Scottish Wedding Invitations

Scottish wedding invitations have long been popular with couples who have family origins in Scotland but their popularity is growing worldwide. There is something mystical about the Northern highlands and Celtic symbols that attract admirers from all over the globe. Many couples are now deciding to have a Scotch theme to their wedding, even if they are not getting married in Scotland, and Scottish wedding invitations are an essential part of the special occasion. Everyone can now add that touch of Celtic tradition by sending Scottish nuptial invites.

Scottish Wedding Invitations
There is no set format for a Scottish wedding invite but there are some traditional aspects that you can incorporate to add that authentic feel. The most obvious of these involves using tartan. Each Scottish clan, or family, has their own unique tartan design associated with them and no Celtic wedding invitation would be complete without a piece of this heritage from Scotland. On modern style of Scottish wedding invites, you could have a family crest emblazoned on each card, with a bow made from the family tartan. However, if you really want to create a special Scotch design then why not have scroll-style invitations, tied with your clans tartan? The choice is endless and there are numerous options to include tartan on a paper or card design. A border designed using the tartan can add a stylish and personalized feel to your Scottish wedding invitations.

Scottish Wedding Invitations
Of course, tartan is not the only traditional article hailing from Scotland that can be added to a Celtic wedding invitation. There are several other items that are associated with the proud Scots that would be perfect adornments for any Scottish wedding invite. The thistle, for example, is the national flower of Scotland and is often seen emblazoned on crests and flags. The cross of St Andrew, with the white cross on a blue background, is well-known as the national flag of Scotland and can often provide the inspiration for the colours of your patriotic style invite for your special day if you are undecided.
It is worth researching some of the other Celtic wedding customs before deciding on the final design and content of your unique invites for the big event. Any wedding invitation is intended to give the guests a feel for what type of event the big day is going to be. Perhaps you want to include some Gaelic script, or incorporate the Celtic knots into the perfect Scotch nuptuals invites. You may also want to continue the style of your Scottish wedding invitation into the Order of Service for the ceremony itself, menus and place cards for the reception or even thank you cards for your guests. The internet is a great place to start if you are looking for inspiration to create your perfect Scottish wedding invitation.